Charlotte, N.C.—Following a (Covid-slowed) five-month review, Tire Pros, Huntersville, N.C., a subsidiary of American Tire Distributors, privately held, and the nation’s largest franchise network of independent tire dealers, has selected BooneOakley, Charlotte, as agency of record. Other participants, and budget, are undisclosed. The incumbent, LGA (Luquire George Andrews), Charlotte, which had held the account for 20 years, did not compete.
The review was based on the presentation of a strategic business plan. BooneOakley was chosen, according to Tire Pros president Greg Bell, for its “experience in providing brand guidance and strategy that has effectively set [its clients] apart in their respective industries.”
The agency is charged with helping refocus Tire Pros’ core business priority from product (tires) to service (automotive care). First work, to include broadcast, digital, social media, search, and out-of-home media, will break in Q2, 2021. BooneOakley will also consult with Tire Pros and its partners on media strategy.
Tire Pros, with franchisees from coast to coast, is the nation’s largest network of independent and locally-owned tire dealers. Under a shared national brand, each franchisee benefits from a suite of specialized resources, including hands-on support and advanced, data-driven marketing tools, designed both to help drive store traffic and to maximize profitability. tirepros.com
BooneOakley is a full service, independent advertising agency with other clients including Okaloosa County Tourism, Outer Banks Visitors Bureau, Feetures, Pizza Inn, Sextro Rye.