cbdMD, Inc., a seller of cannabidiol (CBD) products, announced on Thursday that it’s “on track” to submit its Novel Foods Dossier with the United Kingdom’s Food Safety Agency (FSA) by the deadline of March 31, 2021.
“cbdMD believes it’s in a unique position to demonstrate the safety of its products to the FSA and therefore we believe will be one of the few CBD companies that will be allowed to continue to sell their CBD products on UK’s retail store shelves after the March 31, 2021 deadline,” CMO Ken Cohn said in the release.
Cohn added that the company believes it will “have a competitive advantage” if the FSA approval is received, allowing the brand to grow in the U.K market.
cbdMD said it is working with a food safety and regulatory consultant in the UK to prepare the dossier. It will include analysis of the quality and stability of the product, the hemp sourcing and extraction controls, the labeling and testing requirements, and the underlying intake and toxicological data related to the safe consumption of the proprietary cannabinoid blend ingredients.
cbdMD sells cannabidiol products including gummies, topicals, bath bombs and pet products.