Sokal Media Group Merges with Webstreak


Sokal Media Group, a Raleigh based automotive advertising agency, and Webstreak LLC, a digital advertising agency, announced on Friday the two companies will merge.

The merger is intended to create one of the largest full-service automotive agencies in the country, combining Sokal Media’s Group automotive expertise with Webstreak’s digital abilities.

The two companies have worked closely in the past. Sokal will rebrand to incorporate elements of both companies.

“I’m pleased and quite honored to announce a new path for our advertising agency, a direction that will unite us as a company going forward to achieve even greater results for our client partners,” Sokal CEO Mark Sokal said.

Sokal Media Group founder Sokal moved to Raleigh with his family in 2003 from New Jersey after his Kia dealership was affected by the World Trade Center attack.

He established Sokal Media Group in 2010. The Chris Leith Automotive family of dealerships became one of Sokal’s first clients.

The press release can be found here.

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