Signal Path LLC, a private Durham-based health care company, disclosed on Friday it had raised $5 million in equity financing according to a filing by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Signal Path disclosed in a Form D the first sale on Jan. 10 and that all $5 million of the equity offered had been sold by the filing.
Signal Path offers software and data services to companies conducting clinical trials. The software enables doctors and practitioners to manage and track patient data more effectively and efficiently.
The company got financing early last year as well, disclosing Feb. 10, 2016, in a Form D that $2,957,003 had been offered and sold in equity.
The company was founded in 2014, and according to SEC documents was previously named Evidint LLC.
According to a form D filed by Evidint LLC, the company offered $1.5 million of equity financing on Oct. 31, 2014. When the form was filed on Nov. 11, 2014, the company had received $500,000, but it was willing to wait a year for the financing.
According to Signal Path’s website, as health care regulations have grown paperwork increasingly consumes the time and attention of those working in the field of clinical trials. The company’s product integrates schedules, patient information and other things together to reduce paperwork and filing.
Bradford Hirsch is a co-founder and current CEO of the company. He practices oncology in Texas while also doing clinical trials research. He completed his residence at Duke University in Durham, where he also earned his MBA.
The company is located in the Research Triangle Park area in central North Carolina, which is home to many health care and clinical trials companies.