Instead of sticking to the same old routine this holiday season, treat your family to some new traditions with a trip out west. The city of Davis, California, located in the stunning Sacramento Valley, is a family-friendly destination that provides easy access to major destinations like Sacramento and San Francisco, without the hustle and bustle of city life. What you'll find instead is a thriving metropolis packed with outdoor activities, great museums, and places to make great memories with your little ones. Here's why you should put Davis on your map this holiday season:
Outdoor fun at the UC Davis Arboretum: Enjoy stunning plant life, peaceful ponds, and one of the city's best locations for a family picnic at the UC Davis Arboretum. This shrine to flora and fauna is a great place for your rugrats to run around and makes for an exciting destination for parents and children alike.
Fresh food from the Farmer's Market: California is home to some of the world's best produce, from artichokes to apples, and you'll find it all at the Davis Farmer's Market. Treat your kids to something other than just turkey this Thanksgiving by grabbing them treats like fresh apple cider, kettle corn, local fruit, and handmade toys.
Bike rides at the Davis Greenbelt: Keep your kids active over the holidays by breaking out your bikes and taking a ride at the Davis Greenbelt. With miles of walkable and bikeable pathways waterfront pathways and plenty of places to take four-legged friends, as well, this is one swath of green space you simply can't miss.
Bugs at the Bohart Museum of Entomology: If there's anything that can keep kids captivated for hours, it's looking at the creepies, crawlies, squirmies, and wormies that populate the world around us. At the Bohart Museum, which combines exhibition space and working entomology labs, kids can satisfy their desire to get up close and personal with all those "pets" you aren't eager for them to keep in the house.